The Vine is a weekly campus worship experience led by students for students. Each Tuesday at 8:30 p.m. in Ransdell Chapel, students have the opportunity to worship as a community and study under the Word from a myriad of ministers, both local and beyond. (Photo courtesy of Campbellsville University’s Flickr page.)
The Vine at Campbellsville University is a ministry held at the chapel where students can go on Tuesday nights at 8:30 to worship the Lord and build a community around them. Students can let down their walls and walk into an environment where they will be loved.
“The Vine is a place where we get to meet people who are different from us and have different backgrounds and to worship God who gave us life,” Sophomore Liv Moore, the worship coordinator for The Vine, said. “We get to experience life together and worship Jesus together.”
Often people can view The Vine as a ministry where they must be perfect to attend or must be a Christian, but Moore said that isn’t the case.
“It’s for everyone. It’s not closed off for perfect people because none of us are perfect,” she said. “I wish people who don’t consider themselves as Christians felt welcome there because it’s not an exclusive group, it’s for everybody.”
Moore said The Vine is important and students should try to set aside time to attend it because it puts things into perspective.

“It allows us to step out of our day-to-day academics and reflect on why we are in college,” she said. “It’s a weekly reminder that there are greater things being done than just going to college.”
Moore said she’s blessed to be able to lead worship for The Vine and it’s what God has called her to do. The Vine has been an opportunity for her to grow and to fulfill her calling.
“I love worship and I’m fully confident that’s where the Lord wants me in the future,” she said. “Having the opportunity to walk out my calling that God has put on my life at such a young age is such a blessing.”
Moore’s favorite part about The Vine is worshiping God and getting to meet so many different people and to worship with them.
“It’s incredible to be in a room with people your age that are going through similar things,” she said. “While being able to worship God and sit in His presence.”
Senior Katelyn Edwards, the worship coordinator for all campus ministries, said she enjoys working with The Vine.

“It’s very different from chapel,” Edwards said. “The Vine gives an open environment, its more relaxed and it’s mostly run by students, so it meets students a little better.”
The students play a big part in what happens and how it’s run. Campus Minister Trent Creason oversees The Vine and has the final say in things, but he wants the students to lead, according to Edwards.
Edwards said they want to have more diversity at The Vine and include all cultures by doing different things like reading or singing songs in other languages.
“We want to meet the needs of the campus by trying to work towards all and not just one group,” she said.
Edwards said The Vine is important because it meets students on campus where they are. Students don’t have to worry about knowing everything about Jesus and can just focus on worshiping the Lord together.
“It’s an outlet for students to do what they need to do,” she said.
When Edwards leads worship, she spends several hours that week preparing for The Vine. She said it can get tiring, but it’s worth it.
“It’s so rewarding,” she said. “One of my favorite things is that I get to hear the congregation singing. When it does get tiring, the Lord sustains you through that.”
She wants students to know they don’t have to be perfect to attend and they are welcomed no matter what.
“Everyone is far from perfect there and I’ve never left The Vine wishing I didn’t go,” she said. “You get to meet people and there’s free food. It’s an authentic and open environment to meet students where they’re at and to welcome them with open arms.”

Junior Jenna Smallwood said she really likes going to The Vine.
“Since I’ve been at Campbellsville, it’s been a place where I’ve been encouraged and uplifted with my walk with the Lord,” she said.
When attending The Vine, Smallwood said she feels like a burden is being taken off her shoulders.
“I leave feeling encouraged and lighter,” she said. “I always walk away learning more about God.”
She said The Vine is a good thing for all students to attend because it gives them an opportunity to learn more.
“The Vine is an opportunity to learn about Biblical perspectives on this world, it’s not just for Christians,” she said. “Whether you are just curious or just wanting to connect with other students and resources, The Vine is a good opportunity to do that.”
Smallwood said worshipping the Lord helps her to slow down and she believes that can be beneficial for all students.
“Worshiping alongside others reminds me of the one God that we serve, and we are allowed to slow down, and we should slow down and think about Him and learn about Him together,” she said. “It enables us to take on all of our other responsibilities in an honoring way.”
Jacob Hayes, a senior on the worship team, plays the piano and sings for The Vine. To him, The Vine is a chance where he can serve the Lord and connect with others.
“It’s always high energy,” he said. “We start with worship to get our minds focused, and hearts prepared for the sermon.”
Hayes said students can take away a lot from The Vine.
“It’s an outreach to students in many ways,” he said. “It can be their outlet for a church and a church away from home. It can also be an outreach for students that have never been to church before and can hear the gospel and become a Christian.”
Hayes said no matter where a person is, they can get something out of The Vine.
“No matter what walk of life, they have something to get out of it,” he said. “Everyone is welcome.”
More information for The Vine can be found on the campus ministry’s Instagram account, @cu_campusmin.