Noah Gordon, a 6’7 senior forward for the Campbellsville University men’s basketball team, has made an impact at CU doing more than just playing basketball. His faith has brought him to CU, and since he’s been here, a seed has been planted. The Lord asked him to begin planting seeds in other people around him, and he’s done so by creating an Instagram page that focuses on glorifying the Lord’s word.
Gordon created an Instagram page called “Nfgtheinspiration” that has been around for about a year and a half. For each video he makes, he starts it off by singing a catchy tune that goes, “Did you read your Bible today? If you didn’t, I got you.” And it repeats three times before he then picks one verse for the day to read and explain the meanings behind it.
His Instagram page has blown up recently, as his page now has reached nearly 90,000 followers. But it isn’t about the followers for Gordon, as his calling from the Lord is more important.

“I don’t get caught up in the impact,” he said. “I know that my videos alone won’t save souls but only plant a seed for God to water. All I can do is walk in my image of God, being the example for others.”
It’s no secret that his page has gained a significant amount of attention and the reason he started it is a major reason why.
“I want to plant as many seeds as possible, allowing Jesus to flourish and water them,” Gordon said. “My videos are a fun, catchy way to get closer to God and allow you to read your Bible for the time being. It’s not about the followers for me… I want to impact people, showing them you can have fun through God.”
Making an impact and planting seeds is exactly what he’s done. Josiah Harris, a senior safety for the CU football team, has helped Gordon make a few of his videos, and he’s been positively impacted by Gordon and the movement he’s created.
“Joining Noah’s movement has helped me become closer to God and to be more like Christ than ever,” Harris said. “Because of Noah, my relationship with God has become great.”
Creating this page has not only allowed Gordon to reach a bigger audience, but it has also allowed him to grow his faith in the Lord. As he’s continued to make this content, the Lord has shown him that he will continue to be blessed as long as he keeps spreading God’s word.
“Anyone who knows me has seen my faith grow significantly as I went from playing both sides to only choosing God,” Gordon said. “My life has been positively impacted since giving my whole life to Christ. My social media influence has just started, and I will plant millions of seeds, growing the kingdom of God.”
Another seed that was planted with his movement comes from Obi Wilson, a senior corner for the CU football team. Wilson has been featured in a few of Gordon’s videos and has been positively impacted by doing so.
“He helped me a lot and with me being a Christian, it helped me want to help his movement even more,” Wilson said. “It wasn’t about the fame or fortune but simply spreading the good news. He has helped me in my faith by spreading the gospel, so whenever you’re feeling down and low, his inspirations will help you get through the day.”
Social media can become a distraction for many people if they use it for the wrong reasons. Gordon started this movement for the right reasons and has continued making content for the right reasons, which has allowed his brand to flourish with the power of God behind him. Promoting God’s word is the only reason he enjoys what he does and has seen the success he has so far. He believes in keeping his mind focused on this goal, no matter how famous he gets.
“So many opportunities opened up for me, for instance, being in connection with so many people and hearing their testimonials,” Gordon said “I also get to promote other brands based on Jesus, helping spread the good news. Overall, my brand has grown me as a person, not just physically, mentally and most importantly, spiritually.”